Islamic Studies

Learn Islamic Studies

This Islamic Studies course aims to educate Muslim brothers and sisters, old and young, about their pillars of faith in Islam. Through this course, you or your children can learn many Islamic studies including but not limited to the pillars of Islam, Fiqh, Aqeedah, Tafseer, hadith, Dua, Islamic Manners, and sirah nabawiyyah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Our Muslim teachers can start with you from the basics of the Quran and the beliefs of Islam to the advanced Quranic sciences and Islamic knowledge. This program will give students a solid foundation in the basic sciences of Islamic studies.

The current study makes an effort to look into the idea, viewpoint, purpose, and sources of Islamic Studies. In Islam, everyone is accountable for their education. A divine commandment has made it necessary for everyone to learn. Islamic education aims to link and balance humankind’s physical and spiritual growth. Islam also addresses universal education, life skills education, and moral education.


Islamic education by Islamic studies curriculum is crucial for school students and should be provided to young children before they start classes. This will help them become accustomed to it when they begin attending classes, making it easier for them to incorporate it into their daily lives. Study al Islam for students is desperately needed in the modern era because of the many adverse effects of the contemporary period on students, such as elementary school children who smoke, date, and other things. By instilling Islam in students and providing them with good guidance, students can avoid the harmful effects of the modern era.

Islam is a way of life; without it, life would be chaotic, and we would experience anxiety due to the lack of rules. In religion, everything is arranged in the Qur’an and hadiths, beginning with the intention of the heart, worship, behavior, education, buying and selling or the economy, and social interactions. Verse 255 of Surah Al-Baqoroh states this

Learn Islam Online with top Islamic scholars in the world through online one-to-one sessions scheduled as per your preference.

Learn all you need about the Islam religion for you or your kids; this course is personalized and customized based on student’s age, knowledge, and needs.

Islamic Studies course covers a wide range of subjects that are essential for every Muslim including but not limited to:

  1. Aqidah (Islamic Creed)

    • Belief in Allah and Tawhid (Monotheism)

    • Belief in His Angels

    • Belief in His Books

    • Belief in His Messengers

    • Belief in the Last Day

    • Belief in Divine Preordainment and Divine Decrees (Qadhaa’ and Qadar)

  2. Seerah and Islamic History

    • Seerah (Biography) of Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his teachings

    • Stories of the previous Prophets and Messengers

    • Selection of stories from lives of the Companions (RAA) and the prominent Muslim figures

    • Qur’an and Islamic Stories of animals, birds, and sects

    • General history of Islam

  3. Fiqh

    • The Five Pillars of Islam

    • Taharah (Purification)

    • Practical demonstration of Salah and Wudu’

    • Sawm (Fasting)

    • Zakat (Purifying Charity)

    • Hajj

    • Funeral Prayer

    • The Halal and the Haram foods in Islam

  4. Hadith

    • Studying a number of the most important hadiths of the Prophet (saw).

  5. Islamic Manners and Ethics

    • Sunnan and Adab (Etiquette) of eating, drinking, sleeping, using the right hand, talking, etc.

    • General Islamic Morals and Ethics (Piety, Truthfulness, Peace, Brotherhood, Thankfulness, etc.)

    • Islamic views on Bad habits (Lying, Gossiping, Backbiting, Cheating, etc.)

    • Islamic views on Seeking Knowledge

    • Islamic views on respecting Parents and following their orders

    • Islamic views on respecting elderly people

  6. Du’as and Azkar

    • Learning the Daily Du’as and Azkar (Du’a before sleeping and after waking up, Du’a before and after eating, Du’a after leaving the house and when traveling, etc.)

    • Understanding the meanings of each of these Du’as and Azkar



Safeguarding our communities, families, and ourselves is a moral and religious duty. Online Islamic education is a natural way to interact with teachers and gain knowledge while keeping our physical safety as we continue living under the shadow of Covid-19.

However, safety is crucial to any productive learning environment and is not just confined to new infections and their spread. We are responsible for ensuring that people who educate us are not just credentialed but also fully comprehend the limits of the teacher-student relationship.

You may be sure that every Islamic studies teacher on the platform has sufficient experience in online study Islam. They have undergone a DBS and a criminal background check. You can also get recommendations from professors and read their evaluations.

Online study of Islam, in particular, provides parents peace of mind because all classes can be readily watched and evaluated.

Islam’s fundamentals are taught to children through Islamic education

Islamic studies for kids is a way of life, not just a religion for us Muslims. A Muslim must learn and practice Islam early to grow up leading an Islamic life. A young child is the most impressionable and absorbs information precisely as it is given. Al-Ghazali is quoted as saying, “A child is a trust (put by Allah) in the hands of his parents, and his pure heart is a priceless element capable of collecting impressions. “When a child is born, he or she begins learning about life and the world. Like a sponge, information gets absorbed.

With the help of the online Islamic studies course, kids will be able to learn about the fundamental tenets of Islam, including Fiqh, the Qur’an, Hadith, Tauhid, Arabic, the history of Islam, and the lives of our Prophet (S) and the holy Aimmah. The official Islamic education will maintain a child’s inculcation of Islamic principles and values.

Islamic education gives the kids the correct information about Islam.

Offering Islamic studies online for kids makes it possible to teach kids the correct information about Islam. Given that they might not have attended formal lessons covering all facets of Islam, parents or grandparents might not have complete knowledge or accurate information.

Formal Islamic studies for children help a youngster to learn about Islam from adequately qualified teachers and trustworthy resources offered to them, rather than live their life believing or performing something improper.

Islamic education keeps the youngster connected to Islam

Children and teenagers attending secular elementary schools or secular secondary schools hardly ever interact with Muslims during their time at school or afterward. Sign up for our kids to Islamic studies classes online for a few hours a week of Islamic education helps them retain Islam in their thoughts and hearts. They will be able to recall the lessons learned from their Madrasah over the weekend throughout the course of their academic year.


Islamic study with us is an hour-long lesson that will last one hour, regardless of parking, traffic, trains, buses, or real travel time. You may be confident that your instructor will be entirely focused on you. At the same time, you both attend the lesson on Islamic studies online for kids or adults in the warmth and comfort of your own homes or offices since they won’t have anything else on their minds but teaching. Attending classes has never been easier.

The advantage increases enormously if you’re a parent who arranges Islamic studies lessons for kids. There will be no more tense journeys or worry about hurrying learning to young children. Each course is set up for success since online learning is so simple because we provide a basic Islamic studies curriculum for elementary.

Additionally, since no physical place needs to be set up, teachers and students may be more flexible with class times and sizes. We make it simple to get in touch with and reserve the teacher you want at the desired time.

Direct Access & Interactive Learning That Is Customized

Even while we valued attending sessions in person, we didn’t like that we couldn’t always speak with our teachers or get answers to our questions. In addition to the classes when a few students appeared to control the entire course, there were instances when the teacher would not see us, or there would be too many questions to answer effectively at once. In any case, we frequently had the impression that our in-depth knowledge of the issue was limited.

Online teaching Islamic studies online course keeps students in close touch with the instructor throughout the course, and teachers can choose from several methods for engaging the class based on the age of the students, Islamic studies class, and the subject they are teaching.

You will get an Islamic studies certificate online with us after successfully passing the course and exams that we offer you.

  • How to perform ablution and prayer

  • The decencies of mosque entry and performance of the acts of worship

  • The five pillars of Islam

  • Divinity, monotheism, and creed

  • Qira’at and Sanad with professional male and female teachers from Al Azhar University.

  • Tafseer of Ibn Katheer and other Tafaseer (interpretation) of the Glorious Quran.

  • Hadith of Arba’een Nawawwi, Riadu Al Salheen, and other famous books of Hadith.

  • Usul Al-Fiqh and different schools (madhahib) of Fiqh.

  • The Prophet’s life and the stories of the Quran and previous prophets.

  • Aqeedah Of Islam

  • Prophetic Tradition(Hadith) from the most famous books, i.e. Nawawi’s Forty Hadiths

  • Meanings and connotations of the Holy Quran from the most renowned Quran interpretation books

  • Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

  • Dua (Dua’a)

  • Islamic Manners (Adab in Islam)